Rijksstraatweg 346, 2025 DP Haarlem | 9am - 5pm | 023 538 0044 | info@mondzorgpraktijkhn.nl
Logo Mondzorgpraktijk Haarlem Noord

Oral care practice Haarlem North

'Our attention makes your smile more beautiful!'


You are very welcome in our practice

To enrol

We currently have room for new patients.

Via the link below you will be redirected to our online registration form.

You can also immediately schedule an appointment with one of our dentists and/or dental hygienists.

to enrol

"First tooth, first appointment"

Oral care starts when the first tooth emerges. It is important to immediately let your child get used to brushing his or her teeth and also to a visit to the oral care practice. This significantly reduces the risk of fear of the dentist later in life.

We always recommend registering a child from the age of 2 for the biannual check-up.

Did you know that the check-up of children under the age of 18 is always free?


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